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Guided Istanbul Tour Dervishes

Contact us and become part of the experience called Istanbul. Especially guided Istanbul tour dervishes experience. This is the place which likes to introduce Mevlana, its poetry, wisdom and dervishes to you and ‘feed’ your...

Private Istanbul Tours

A lot has been said and written about Istanbul. Still, the city is an endless source of information. It’s definitely worth trying getting to know Istanbul better and better. Private Istanbul tours, as well...

At the palace of Hormisdas

Instead, this session was an attempt to move the discussion forward without histrionics and public posturing, and one must give Justinian full credit for making a remarkable effort. They met at the palace of...

Born in Sozopolis

By comparison, Severus the Sober embodied a newly serious age. He was born in Sozopolis (near modern Konya) in Asia Minor, where his grandfather had already been a bishop at the time of the...

Constantinople in religious matters

The overweening blindness of Constantinople’s men arose in part from an accident of the fourth and fifth centuries. Antioch and Alexandria (that is to say, Syria and Egypt) seemed for a good while naturally...

Constantine dismounted and ascended

The procession having circled the arena, Constantine dismounted and ascended to the first tier of seats where a massive throne chair stood in the imperial box. Empress Theodora and the three oldest of her...

Retain the title of Augusta

This afternoon, in the audience chamber. I went there to meditate and she came in. We agreed that she will retain the title of Augusta and I plan to turn enough of my father’s...

The boy turned back to Constantine

“But they broke it and tried to capture us here at Treves.” The boy turned back to Constantine. “You did capture them, didn’t you by a quick march into their own country?”“Yes.”“Will you make...

Run and flee to this human nature

Orthodox: We did not only ask where is the place that you say the human nature is, but also if it is counted and is in the Trinity and with the Trinity or not....

Just as the nature of the Trinity

Orthodox: May we never say or think concerning the eternal nature of the Trinity, equal in essence, that, because the economy was completed, it receives a doubled number becoming two natures. But the nature...