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Natural hypostasis of the Word

Nestorian: Therefore the hypostasis which is uncreated and eternal is that of the human nature of Christ. But no one is able to hear and believe that the human nature of a man is...

It is dangerous to be a Christian

“I am a Christian,” she said quietly. “We are forbidden to worship any god except our own, and any graven image.”“But it is dangerous to be a Christian.” He was serious now, for he...

Flavius Valerius Constantinus a centurion assigned henceforth

For whatever reason, Diocletian did not immediately put into effect the decree he had discussed with Constantine, but the promise of a position in the Imperial Guard was fulfilled immediately. The following day, the...

Precious metal in the coinage Dominus

“I can see the advantage of fixing the amount of precious metal in the coinage, Dominus,” he said. “But I don’t think setting prices mid wages will be effective.”“Why? I’m only trying to bring...

Subject to the ruler of the Bulgarians

The rulers of the Pechenegs and Magyars are the only independent rulers to be accorded the title archontes. In contrast, and also in accordance with the claims advanced in the DAI — where it...

Constantine VIII

Constantine VIII 1025—1028On the death of Basil, his brother Constantine became emperor for the second time. There was no opposition. As a matter of fact, the dying Basil summoned him to the palace just...

Compassionately embrace his victim

His anger, too, was not lasting, like that of his brother Basil. He quickly relented and was terribly downcast at what he had done. Better still, if someone could quench the rising fire of...

None other than Constantine

Owing to my oratorical skill, I was introduced at court and became secretary to the reigning emperor, none other than Constantine, head of the Monomachi, a position which was in very truth his by...

The kind of persons historians record

Having thus given a brief outline of the man, I will now proceed to a fuller description and fill in the details, as I promised I would in the case of this admirable and...

Constantine X

Constantine X 1059 – 1067Constantine Ducas Ruled the Roman Empire for Seven Years**230I will abbreviate my account of this emperor as far as is convenient, devoting the usual space that I allot to these...