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Istanbul Private Tours Mevlevi

Enigmatic Istanbul is an endless story. It’s the story of Istanbul’s many names, the story of settling the city, ‘Opposite the blind’. Although these two stories might be enough for some, for others they...

At the palace of Hormisdas

Instead, this session was an attempt to move the discussion forward without histrionics and public posturing, and one must give Justinian full credit for making a remarkable effort. They met at the palace of...

Born in Sozopolis

By comparison, Severus the Sober embodied a newly serious age. He was born in Sozopolis (near modern Konya) in Asia Minor, where his grandfather had already been a bishop at the time of the...

Constantinople in religious matters

The overweening blindness of Constantinople’s men arose in part from an accident of the fourth and fifth centuries. Antioch and Alexandria (that is to say, Syria and Egypt) seemed for a good while naturally...

It is dangerous to be a Christian

“I am a Christian,” she said quietly. “We are forbidden to worship any god except our own, and any graven image.”“But it is dangerous to be a Christian.” He was serious now, for he...

Flavius Valerius Constantinus a centurion assigned henceforth

For whatever reason, Diocletian did not immediately put into effect the decree he had discussed with Constantine, but the promise of a position in the Imperial Guard was fulfilled immediately. The following day, the...

Precious metal in the coinage Dominus

“I can see the advantage of fixing the amount of precious metal in the coinage, Dominus,” he said. “But I don’t think setting prices mid wages will be effective.”“Why? I’m only trying to bring...

Constantine VIII