Natural hypostasis of the Word


Nestorian: Therefore the hypostasis which is uncreated and eternal is that of the human nature of Christ. But no one is able to hear and believe that the human nature of a man is created and his hypostasis is uncreated. For then the hypostasis would be alien to the nature, and not in it; and also the nature would be alien to the hypostasis by its not being known and seen in it. For the nature of Paul is not in the hypostasis of angels since his nature is in humanity. Also the hypostases of Gabriel and Michael are not seen and known in the human nature, but every hypostasis is known according to its nature. And every nature which exists is known and seen by sensation, perception, and the contemplation of the mind in its own hypostasis.

Orthodox: There are hypostases which exist naturally in their own natures and we also know that they subsist from them, and they are not able to separate and be different from their natures. But we say that the body of God the Word does not possess the hypostasis of the Word naturally, but by an inseparable unity, and is seen and known in it in a united way. Therefore there is not established or reckoned another hypostasis apart from it. On account of this, the natural hypostasis of the Word is reckoned and counted as a unity, we believe that its body exists and is rightly counted in it, although it is preserved in its nature unchanged. For this reason we are not compelled by the difference of the natures to say that there are two hypostases in the unity of Christ. For if you are compelled to confess two natures and two hypostases in Christ, you are then from necessity condemned to confess four hypostases, and you introduce a quaternity in place of the Trinity in the teaching of the holy Church.

Trinity becomes a Quaternity

It is debated whether the Trinity becomes a Quaternity when it is said that Christ is two hypostases.

The Orthodox says: We wish that you would show us clearly that the Trinity does not become a quaternity when you preach that Christ is in two hypostases.

Nestorian: Do you not yourselves confess that Christ is the Son of God, that He has two natures and that He is one of the Trinity?

Orthodox: Truly we confess that there is in Christ [two natures] and that He is one of the hypostases of the Trinity.

Nestorian: Is Christ one of the Holy Trinity in two natures, or not? And if He is one of the Holy Trinity in two natures, then is the one nature of the Trinity by necessity doubled by providence into two natures because Christ is two natures and one of the Holy Trinity?

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